The fuel crisis in the UK has triggered a panic situation across various parts of the country over the past few weeks. Specifically, if you live in London and searching for a Shell garage near me or a Petrol station near me to fulfil your fuel-related needs, you may have to come across some big disappointment.
Why you may not get Desired Results while Searching for a Shell Garage Near Me?
For over a month, British commuters have encountered closed petrol stations issues. Some public members were enraged by the shortages, which made life challenging for motorists across the country.
The key reason was a severe scarcity of tanker drivers, which Brexit had worsened since the beginning of the year. However, panic buying exacerbated the problem. Emergency government measures to alleviate the situation, such as deploying army truck drivers, may do nothing to address the fundamental problem.
Hence, if you are looking for a shell garage near me to fuel up your petrol tank, you may have to wait for a bit longer.
The shortfall of truckers in the United Kingdom has existed for years. Still, the pandemic has recently aggravated it. And that has caused delays in the issuance of new vehicle licenses and Brexit. This, in turn, has also contributed to tens of thousands of European citizens exiting trucking jobs and other professions in the United Kingdom. Recent post-Brexit immigration restrictions have made it much more difficult for many of them to return since the beginning of this year.
According to the Road Haulage Association, about 100,000 truck drivers are needed in the country. Last month, the UK government stated that companies offering better wages and conditions will drive “much of the answers” to the issue and that it did not want to rely on workers from other countries.
How can Google Maps help me in Locating Shell Garage near me or Petrol Stations near me?
Google Maps is a smart tool that can help you find your local gas station. Not just that, you can also see how long the lines are outside.
Simply search for ‘gas station near me’ or ‘Shell garage near me‘ on Google Maps, and a number of options will appear on the map.
When you switch the map type to ‘traffic’ and zoom in on your favourite gas station, you’ll notice coloured lines flowing down the roadways.
Green signifies that traffic is moving regularly, while darker colours suggest that congestion is rising.
The colours red and dark brown indicate that there are significant traffic bottlenecks in that location, and you should avoid queuing for fuel there.
Google Maps will also show you the length of the lines at petrol stations near me. So, you can estimate how long you’ll be waiting – and all of this can be done from the comfort of your own home.
How True are Government Claims citing the Improved Situation in Terms of Fuel Delivery?
Despite the government’s claims that the issue is under control, motorists have been photographed waiting for petrol station London. Ministers from the government have been quick to point out that there is no need to panic buy and that there is no lack of fuel; rather, the problem stems from supply lines impeded by a driver shortage.
According to Treasury chief secretary Simon Clarke, Things are returning to normal, who spoke to a leading news daily last week.
“We are currently in a scenario where more fuel is being delivered to petrol station London than is being sold,” he added, adding that the problem is “completely under control.”
“If consumers just go back to their usual shopping habits, situation will continue to ease.”
However, motorists across the United Kingdom appear to be seeing a completely different picture while searching shell garage near me.
Fuel supply at gas stations has improved across most of the United Kingdom, although there appear to be ongoing issues in London and the southeast of England.
Last week, violent scenes erupted across major cities as panic buying of petrol coincided with a trucker scarcity.
There have been reports of feuds erupting over the pumps and people stockpiling petrol in old water bottles.
Ministers have disputed that the driver shortage is related to Brexit, claiming that employees returned to their home countries in droves following the EU’s withdrawal and the coronavirus epidemic.

How Long will this Fuel Crisis Last at the Shell Garage Near Me ?
According to Gordon Balmer, executive director of the Petrol Retailers Association, fuel stockpiles at stations may take anywhere from a week to ten days.
According to the organization, on Monday, about 22% of petrol stations in London and the southeast were still without fuel.
Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, told a famous radio station: “For the past week or so, the situation has been steadily improving. You can easily search for a shell garage near me and get your car fueled up.
Even though there have been no reports of shortages due to a lack of drivers throughout the continent, he previously stated it was a European-wide problem.
He stated, ” “The issue of HGV drivers is not exclusive to the United Kingdom; it affects the entire European Union and beyond.
“I want folks to know that we’re doing everything we can to reduce some of those problems when we can.”
The government claims that the issue is under control. Still, the motorists have been photographed queuing for petrol on station forecourts across the United Kingdom. Ministers from the government have been quick to point out that there is no need to panic purchase. And that there is no lack of fuel. Rather, the problem stems from supply lines impeded by a driver shortage.
How to Find Fuel at a Shell Garage near me?
There’s no assurance that any petrol station will have fuel by the time you arrive. Yet, a simple traffic app will tell you how terrible the lines are around you. So, technically, you can have an idea about how much fuel they have.
Several apps tell you how terrible the traffic is at nearby gas stations. These will let you decide if it’s worth the trip.
Additionally, the app identifies and colour classifies the cheapest gas stations in your region, with green being the least costly and red being the most expensive.
How Worse is the Current Fuel Crisis Situation in UK?
As the fourth week of the fuel crisis begins, 200 army soldiers are sent to assist in its resolution. London and the South East continue to lag behind the rest of the UK in terms of shortages.
Scotland, the North, and the Midlands are now ‘almost back to normal’. Yet, the Petrol Retailers Association reports 1 in 5 petrol outlets without fuel.
Last week, 22% of South East petrol stations were still empty, with just 60% having both grades of fuel available.
The news of ongoing shortages in the South East comes amid accusations that the government is ‘gaslighting’ the people by stating the issue is “under control.” “Despite the fact that statistics showed the same number of shell garage near me as earlier.
Brian Madderson, chairman of the PRA, stated on Radio 4 this morning: “If anything, it had gotten worse in London and the South East, and maybe areas of eastern England.”
The Situation Seems Like Not Improving Anytime Soon!
According to a forecourt manager, lines are ‘no longer the consequence of panic buying. And gas stations require a massive inflow’ of fuel delivery.
“It’s all really about the population,” he told a famous news channel. “we have 25 million-plus people living in and around London [and the] home counties.”
Madderson continued: “To go along with that, we have a huge number of delivery trucks and cars. and that is just the chronic condition.”
Although there is no genuine scarcity of fuel in the UK, a dearth of lorry drivers to deliver it around the nation has produced a shortfall in functional petrol stations, which has been worsened by people racing to the petrol stations while searching shell garage near me.
Customers queuing for petrol were “not panic buying anymore,” according to David Charman, director of Parkfoot Garage in West Malling, Kent. He also claimed they “had waited as long as they possibly could” and had no fuel left.
Mr Charman stated that in order to deal with the problem, gas stations will require “a massive flood” of fuel delivery. When can we expect petrol stations to resume normal operations?
Since September, the troops have been on standby as an emergency measure to deal with the situation, including members of the 3rd Logistic Support Regiment who were particularly trained in Essex.
Ministers also announced last month that some HGV licences will be extended to assist combat the problem and the lifting of competition restrictions to allow truckers to transport gasoline to competitor firms.
What are Petrol Station Owners Saying?
The government is also launching a programme that would allow 5,000 foreign lorry drivers to work in the UK on temporary visas. From these, up to 300 will be gasoline tanker drivers who will be able to start working “immediately” at the shell garage near you.
Ben Wallace, the Secretary of Defense, said: “Over 200 military troops will have been mobilized as part of Operation Escalin over the weekend.”
“While the situation stabilises, our Armed Forces are available to cover any necessary gaps. They are also there to keep the country moving by assisting the business in delivering petroleum to forecourts.”
According to Steve Barclay, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, the government’s “decisive action” to address “short-term disruption” to supply chains ” is already having an impact.
“If consumers continue to revert to their regular spending patterns, we will see less waits and prevent fuel stations from shutting,” Mr. Barclay said.
Madderson praised the deployment of military drivers as a “good” start in dealing with the gasoline issue. He also said it will take “a week to ten days” until petrol outlets are back to normal.
He did caution, though, that the move’s impact would be “limited.”
“It’s a big assist,” he added, “but in terms of volume, they won’t be able to carry that much.”
“We need to start prioritising delivery to fuel stations in London and the South East. Particularly the smaller chains that serve as neighbourhood retail locations.”
Madderson estimates that it will take “a week to ten days” to restore normal fuel loads at all sites.

What to do in case you are Facing Challenges at Work due to the Ongoing Fuel Crisis?
Many drivers are anxious about getting to work because of the ongoing fuel crisis at a shell garage near me. Due to widespread panic buying and a scarcity of delivery drivers, some petrol stations near you might have run out of fuel or have limited the amount of fuel available to consumers. Boris Johnson has now stated that the outage may extend until the holidays, if not longer.
But what are your rights if you can’t get to work because you’re out of petrol? The good news is that your boss cannot fire you if you cannot come to work due to the fuel shortage at your nearby petrol station.
If your boss tries to fire you for being unable to travel, you should see an employment lawyer to determine if you have a case for wrongful dismissal.
How to Make the Fuel Last Longer in your Vehicle?
You cannot do much about the ongoing fuel crisis. Yet you can always opt for ways to make the best use of your existing fuel reserves.
Make sure your car is serviced on a regular basis
Maintaining and servicing your car on a regular basis keeps it in the best possible condition, which reduces fuel usage. So, while you are searching for petrol stations near me, do also search for ‘shell garage near me’, for that long overdue servicing of your car.
Do a proper check on tyre pressure
Checking the tyre pressure is one thing you should conduct more frequently. This is because improperly inflated tyres can lower your fuel economy by as much as 5%. We recommend checking your tyre pressure at least once a month at an Esso nearby if you drive a lot.
Close your windows.
As you close the car windows, you produce more drag on the car and more wind resistance. Having your windows open doesn’t have much of an effect at lower speeds. But if you’re going over 40 mph, we recommend closing them. Eventually, your car can shift more rapidly while cutting on your fuel requirements from Esso gas station near me.
Turn the air conditioner off.
Using your air conditioning, or heating on colder days necessitates the use of engine power. This will increase your fuel usage. This is particularly true if you’re travelling at a slow speed. Hence, if the weather situation around isn’t harsh, shut the air conditioner and save almost 10% fuel.
Check your vehicle’s air filters
Dirty air filters make your engine work harder than it has to. That results in higher fuel requirements from BP petrol station near me. Cleaning them, however, will ensure that your engine is in the right shape. As a result, you can save almost 5% fuel on a daily basis.
Turn off the engine at certain instances
Even when you turn off the engine, it is still burning gasoline. So, as you sneak into a congested traffic situation, shut off the engine to avoid unnecessary fuel burning.
On the other hand, if you have the latest automobile with stop-start technology, make use of it; if utilized correctly, it will automatically minimize the amount of time you spend with an idling engine.
This, along with other factors, will help you in making the best use of your existing fuel reserves. So, while you are looking for ‘shell garage near me’ try shutting that car engine for a while.
Follow the recommended speed limit
Speeding increases your fuel usage and, as obviously, puts you and other road users at risk. Stick to the speed restrictions and, if your car has it, utilize cruise control to keep a constant pace. By making this small change in your approach, you can save some good money on your monthly fuel consumption.
Keep an eye on your vehicle’s size
The more fuel it takes to move your car, the more it will cost. Remove all the extra weight wherever possible. This may include roof boxes, bike racks, and additional luggage from the car while not in use. Until and unless you are going for a family trip, remove those extra comforters and music systems within the car.
Smoothly accelerate and brake
Acceleration and braking with a lot of force consume a lot of engine power, which burns a lot of fuel. Proper prediction of traffic around you during any given day can help you to stop this sudden acceleration and braking habit.
Opt for Carpooling wherever possible
Since your batteries perform better in higher temperatures, a hot engine is more efficient. Combining many short journeys is one car to enhance your total fuel cost. Also, it will help you interact with a lot of other people around your vicinity without worrying about the BP petrol station near me.
The fuel crisis in the UK may last a bit longer. Yet, the government is trying hard to bring things back to normalcy, you can support their efforts. Avoid unnecessary travelling, panic buying and sharing false or unverified rumours on social media.
These kinds of situations demand some good patience from an individual. Besides, you can also save some fuel while opting for the above mentioned alternatives.